Led by the Spirit?

Why do I wait for the alarm to go off to get out of bed?  I woke up this morning and my first thought was to start praying.  I am not bragging, this is a rare occurrence.  I have a big decision to make and I am excited about it.  Something has been growing on my heart but I don’t know if it is from God or if it is from my own mind.  How do I know if it is the leading of the Holy Spirit or the construct of things I have been reading and listening to?  Getting back to the alarm thing.  I usually hit snooze a few times every morning.  But this morning I had a clear and distinct urge to start praying.  I did a little, but then I made a conscious choice to go back to sleep and when the alarm went off, I hit snooze.  But it was bugging me so I got up.  I am not writing this as a Facebook status update.  What if it was the Spirit leading me to wake up, get out of bed and start communicating with God before any other thoughts enter my mind?  If is was by the Spirit, was I disobedient by not getting up?  What a way to start the day, my first act is to consciously reject the Spirit’s leading.  I am not suggesting that I should never go back to sleep or hit snooze but this morning was different.  Now, I could just be excited about this decision and that is what got me up, that has happened before.  It is easy when you are waking up to do something fun.  But most days, I am not thrilled to wake up.  How great would it be to just do what the Spirit is leading me to do?  Getting out of bed early is a cost, it kind of hurts.  I need to get 6+ hours of sleep to be functional – I think I will have a terrible day if I don’t.  But if God is telling me to get up, He will provide the strength.  This may seem trivial in the grand scheme of the Spirit’s guidance, but it seemed real.  No matter how small the task may seem, God has a plan for it.  I am not saying that we should lie in bed until God speaks.  I wasn’t lying in bed asking if I should get up.  I don’t ask if I should take a shower or brush my teeth.  I am saying that if God is speaking, the task is important.  But how do I know if it was God or me?  I think I do know but I write things off as idealistic attempts to serve.  By not wanting to do things in my own strength, am I suppressing the Spirit?  Maybe I am over thinking things.  But how how great would it be to be obedient from the first moment I wake up.  I got up and wrote this blog, my first ever.  I realize I have more questions than answers.  But the Spirit does speak.  Be open to it.  Let God guide you.

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